Collins Building and Civil Engineering work throughout Ireland and in parts of England, Scotland and Wales

Collins also specialise in Conservation Projects since 1971

Collins Building and Civil Engineering work throughout Ireland and in parts of England, Scotland and Wales

Collins also specialise in Conservation Projects since 1971

Collins Building and Civil Engineering work throughout Ireland and in parts of England, Scotland and Wales

Collins also specialise in Conservation Projects since 1971

Collins Building and Civil Engineering work throughout Ireland and in parts of England, Scotland and Wales

Collins also specialise in Conservation Projects since 1971

Collins Building & Civil Engineering

Collins Building & Civil Engineering, previously called Dick Collins (Croom) Limited was founded in 1974 by Dick Collins.

In 1991, it changed to be the company it is today as part of a restructuring. The company has grown over the years and we have a team of highly qualified and motivated people working together.  We have many Building, Civil Engineering and Conservation Projects in our Portfolio.


Contact us today to discuss your requirements

18 Upper Cecil Street, Limerick

Ph: +353 61 414800


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